Terms and Conditions

For the users and customer of teamstinct:

  • I will not use teamstinct in any way that could directly or indirectly cause harm, distress or the destruction of any living creature.
  • I will not use teamstinct for any illegal activity or anything that is probably illegal.
  • I will not use teamstinct for the promotion or suggestion of anti-social behaviour and will treat all other teamstinct users and staff respectfully.
  • I will generally try to use teamstinct to make the world a better place.

For the teamstinct service:

  • We will strive to earn your trust and confidence by being professional, honest, fair and respectful.
  • We will do our best to help you with any problems and issues you may encounter with the teamstinct service.
  • We will do everything in our power to keep all personal information safe and secure.
  • We will never disclose, sell or publish any personal information.
  • We will do our best to ensure a high quality of service.